
As a teacher, I believe in creating a fun and safe environment where students can express their individuality and grow as artists. I highly value respect on both ends – from the teacher and from the students. I believe it is super important for the teacher and students to bring a fun energy to the class by not being too serious all the time, yet still being professional, which helps create a sense of community between everyone. To begin every class, I address the goals and objectives that I want the students to focus on throughout the class. I continually remind the students to focus on these throughout the exercises, while incorporating feedback and corrections. Finally, at the end of class, the last few minutes will be for a discussion on how the students feel they accomplished the goals and objectives/learned from their feedback.

When teaching, I like to incorporate a variety of teaching styles to keep the class dynamic and exciting. I love incorporating all the styles – command, practice, reciprocal, and guided discovery – and spend more time on the style I sense most of the students need and learn from best. I think this is important so that the students are exposed to various styles of learning and will help them become more well-rounded. I also love incorporating critical thinking questions to get the students to think critically about what they are doing and how certain things feel in their body. For instance, asking questions like, “what did you notice about initiating from your pelvis rather than your head?” This allows them to grasp a better understanding of the movements and why they are doing the movement. I also think it’s important to incorporate check-ins as the class progresses to see where they’re at, how they’re doing, if things are too challenging, and what they’re learning/noticing in their bodies. 

From my classes, I want my students to learn, grow, and take the feedback and corrections they’ve learned with them into other classes and when they teach one day. I am able to tell my teaching is effective when I see the students applying their corrections and feedback, improving, and understanding why they are doing what they are doing; not just mindlessly going through the motions. It’s beautiful when you’re able to tell that the students are working on their feedback and you see them grow. It is also helpful when the students ask questions because you know they are invested and curious about the subject matter. Another way I can tell my students are invested is by their focus, and when given corrections, they instantly start practicing. 

Teaching is not only for the students to learn, but also for the teacher to learn. I learn by watching the students and adapting to their needs from my observations, and also challenging them. It also brings me so much joy to see the students enjoying the class and growing as artists. What’s even cooler is to see years from now what they will accomplish in the future, and knowing that you helped train them to get to where they will one day be. 

Overall, I want to continue growing and learning as a teacher and better understanding how to adjust and adapt to different students with different needs. I also want to continue growing my knowledge as a student myself so that I can be a better teacher all around, because you can never know it all!